A look behind the flag(s) of Somalia

The official name of Somalia is the Federal Republic of Somalia, and the blue flag with the white star in the center is the official flag of Somalia. It was created in 1954, and has been used ever since. The…
The official name of Somalia is the Federal Republic of Somalia, and the blue flag with the white star in the center is the official flag of Somalia. It was created in 1954, and has been used ever since. The…
This is second part of our drought/flood series. In part 1 we explained the science behind rain in Somalia and how they lead to droughts and floods – you can read it here. In this part we present possible actionable…
In the late 1800s Peruvian sailors observed a weather phenomenon in the pacific ocean which occurred around Christmas time. They named it “El Niño” which means little boy in Spanish, referring to Jesus (PBUH) when he was a child. The…
Key points from this article: Why are forests important? Forest cover refers to the area of land covered by trees. Currently about 10.8% of Somalia is forested, but between the 1990-2010 Somalia lost 18.5% of its forest cover (almost 1%…
Agriculture in Somalia is a very important but underdeveloped sector. We interviewed a Somali farmer, Mohamed, to learn more about how we can produce our own food in Somalia rather than importing it and the current challenges farmers are facing.…
In this 3rd part of the prosperity series, we dive into how to achieve unity in Somalia. The two previous parts covered the settling of the nomads and industrialization of Somalia. To get an overview of this prosperity series, see the…
In this 2nd part of the prosperity series, we dive into the the past, present, and future of industrialization and the accompanied urbanization of Somalia. To get an overview of this series, see the overview article here. Industrialization and urbanization are…
This is the first of 3 articles about how to mix the Somali people in order to achieve prosperity. To get an overview of this series, see the overview article here. This article aims to provide an insight on why…
For a long time, Somalia has been considered a fragile state. Since the Somali Civil war broke out in the 1990s the country has faced many issues. It often ranks at the extreme end of poverty, corruption, mortality, and safety…
Listen to the first part of this article here: Somali-inhabited regions in East Africa, including parts of Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya, have long been plagued by recurring droughts and periods of water scarcity. These challenges have led to severe consequences…
As Somalia is entering the Gu rainy season (March-June), heavy rainfall in East Africa has led to flooding in various parts of the country. Currently Bardhere in the Gedo region is hit hard, but historically beledweyne has been plagued as…